Work From Home: Routines
A lot more of us are working from home these days, and although it may be temporary for some, it may become a more permanent reality for others. I’ve been working from home for the past seven years as a freelance photographer and filmmaker, and there are many things I’ve learned about myself along the way. For example, I’ve learned that I get distracted very easily. So I’ve had to implement rules and routines in order to get anything done. It can be hard to focus, it can feel lonely, and it can be hard to set up a good workspace. But I’ve found some ways that have helped me and I want to share those tips with you.

What it Takes to Film a Documentary About Sex Trafficking
Today we are releasing a film that has been a passion project for me (and for the crew) for the last five+ years. Stolen Innocence is a full feature documentary about sex trafficking in India. Why India? Because it is known as a…